Monday, December 28, 2015

kylene's goals

Its been a rough these past few months, But that's gonna change. I can't always get the things I wanted because I have trouble with my finances. I have tried and tried. my way doesn't want to seem to work. I would have to make some major changes to achieve in the goals. The only thing I have right now is school. And I am doing good. And I am a B average student. And that is great.

These past 3 weeks have been hard for me, almost 4 weeks now. I have recently loss my older brother. last years I lose both my parents, and now my brother. I feel like there is bad things that are happening around me. I question myself why do these bad things happen. I was not expecting this. But I love and miss my brother.

Now, I am making a new year resolution, Even though its been hard and grieving. But I like to continue with my life and get everything I been wanting. One is I have always wanted to have a house. And I like to have that now. I don't want to live in apartments for the rest of my life. I do think about the pros and cons about having a house.

And I have always wanted to have a family, a husband and kids. I am 37 yrs old and I am still single. Never been married. No kids. I want to have this so much. I am still seeing the same guy, Javier almost 5 yrs into our relationship. Things between us is still the same. I love him, and I want him to make the commitment to me.

In my conclusion, I want to see what would happen to me this new year. I like to see my finances be better, I want my relationship with Javier to be different. I would love to have that house and family with Javier. I love him...